
Txuspo Poyo
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IZARO is a documentary essay which updates a fragmented portrait of the identity, history and legacy of Izaro Island, until its diaspora.

The name Izaro has germinated into: power practices, into legal claims for the ownership of the Island in the form of festivals with the throwing of the roof tile, into the film production company Izaro Films Presenta, with its own watchtower, the Windsor Tower, into proper names, both female as well as male, and into one of the latest generation tuna fishing vessels built by shipowners from Bermeo and fishing in waters of the Indian Ocean under the flag of the Seychelles.

The film includes an interview with the shipowner Kepa Etxebarria and the captain Kalaberry on the Izaro vessel, before his departure to the Seychelles, and interview with Genaro Alas, one of the architects who, together with Pedro Casariego, designed the Windsor Tower.

The film was created with participation of Izaro Ieregi and Izaro Aperribai.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: Izaro
  • Direction: Txuspo Poyo
  • Production: 2018.
  • Team:

    On a text by Jaime Cuenca. Narration: Aizpea Goenaga. Music: Alex Mendizabal with the Izaro Choir from Bermeo.

  • Duration: 01:03:11
  • Languages: Basque euskara - English - Spanish
  • Subtitles: Spanish
  • Original format: 2k
  • Formats: HD 1920x1080
  • TV systems: NTSC - PAL
  • License: Copyleft