All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ


This iconic phrase from the 2004 video game GTA San Andreas, which later became an internet meme, gives the title to this work by Flesh.Webm. After recovering the PlayStation2, an old family console, the artist finds intact the archive of GTA San Andreas games played by her father back in 2009.

The review of these moves leads to a spiral of resentment and emotions in which the gameplay awakens the memory of complex family relationships. The video game ends up encapsulating its own and other people's universe, becoming a time machine through which the beauty and sadness of childhood memories emerge. 
All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ  was part of the exhibition "Hecho en casa Video arte doméstico actual en España", held at Conde Duque Center and curated by Carlos TMori.

Technical datasheet

  • Title: All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ
  • Direction: Flesh.Webm
  • Production: 2023.
  • Duration: 00:04:03
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Subtitles: Spanish
  • Original format: HD 720 x 576
  • TV systems: PAL