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This piece by Badiola, in which he further explores his preferred subject matter, that of sexual identity stereotypes, is instanced by a sentence by the American artist Diane Arbus: “Creative people must deal in secrets”. In the main scene of the film a man writes the sentence on a white t-shirt whilst on the sides of the screen we are offered images of his everyday life, as if these had been filmed through a peephole. These small clips invite us into the everyday reality of this character (who doubles up as two different people), who we can only know through the objects that surround him, the way his house is decorated, the paintings hanging from his walls, and the books that he reads.
The man’s secrets, his intimacy, are revealed to us in small doses. Our gaze suddenly becomes an accomplice to the voyeuristic camera that captures the different scenes. Our curiosity turns us into keen onlookers of the moments that in intermittent fashion are presented to us. We can only manage to conjecture about the identity of this man through the snippets of images we are given, by observing the ruptures in his daily life. With this piece Badiola puts together a strong critique of closed and unitary notions of identity, by opening the speculative field to the ambiguity of the acts presented on screen.