Video musical score consisting of the observation of a flight of pigeons across the lines of the staff. The birds take flight and circle in the sky until they finally land where they started. Simple and complete cycle in which the ups and downs, the rhythm of the wings and the different configurations are interpreted as musical notations.
– Interpreted by Malcolm Goldstein at Experimental Intermedia Foundation, New York USA (1981) and Modern Art Gallery, Vienna. Austria (1982).
– Performed by Peter Van Riper at ICC Antwerpen, Belgium (1982); the Institute of North American Studies. Barcelona (1982); Otras Músicas, Teatro Pradillo, Madrid (1994) and at the concert Imágenes para Sonidos. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (1995).
– Interpreted by Barbara Held in Film in the Cities, St.Paul, Minnesota. USA (1983); University of Iowa, Iowa. USA (1983) and Fragments Palau de la Virreina. Barcelona (1993).
It was performed as a score in the United States and Europe by musicians Peter Van Riper (saxophone), Malcolm Goldstein (violin) and Barbara Held (flute).