Kancler/ Steidinger

Understanding practice as a network of connections from one theoretical point to another, and theory as a network of connections between one practice and another, is conceptualized as a research project committed to action, theoretical and practical.

With the intention to relate art, activism, politics and critical theory, and in the search for situations that encourage dialogue and collaborative networks, opens a collective space to think about the politics of positioning, critical interventions, limits of representation, as well as current conditions of art production and distribution. It is a space for sharing ideas which can be rethought, rearticulated, expanded or used by other persons or groups in different contexts of their political actions. is an online archive of video-interviews with artists, filmmakers, theoreticians and activists, structured by film folders, based on the possibilities for cross-connections between specific issues, common problems and multiple tactics for intervention in our current socio-political reality.

If You Lived Here Still...; video interview with Martha Rosler. Since the 1970s, through her numerous works and projects, employing diverse working methods, Martha Rosler has progressively built up her socially engaged art practice and her critical feminist position, to establish the connections between the private and public sphere, domestic space and media culture, as well as urban space in confrontation with political and economic changes.

The starting point of Martha Rosler's archival project If You Lived Here..., first presented at the Dia Art Foundation in New York in 1989, was the (in)visibility of socially disadvantaged people and the urban spaces they inhabit, with which she took a radical stance on the underlying housing systems and conditions related to the process of gentrification.

In 2010, for the exhibition If You Iive Here Still... at La Virreina, Centre de la Imatge, this archival project has been presented drawing parallels with the activist practices of various local collectives (V de Vivienda, Repensar Bonpastor, 9Barris, Exit, Sitesize...), involved in the work related to the housing crisis in the specific context of the city of Barcelona, opening debates on the different forms of activism and new strategies of social representation.

In the video-interview with Martha Rosler that we conducted in the framework of this exhibition we discussed artistic practices in relation to the growing privatization of the public sector and the role of institutions, in order to rethink the limits of the representation of the social.

Technical datasheet

  • Title:
  • Direction: Kancler/ Steidinger
  • Production: 2011.
  • Duration: 00:17:01
  • Formats: Betacam Digital - DVD
  • TV systems: PAL
  • License: Copyright